What does "User not found" mean on Instagram?

by | Instagram

You have recently visited a user's profile and seen " User not found "on Instagram?

Perhaps you received a DM (Direct Message) from someone and when you visited their profile, you received this error message.

Or you've searched for someone on Instagram but haven't found that particular person.

There may be multiple causes for this error and it doesn't necessarily mean that you are blocked by this person.

In this article you will understand the top 5 causes of "User Not Found" on Instagram in 2022.

At the end of this article you will be clear why you see this error.

What does 'User Not Found' mean on Instagram in 2022?


The "User not found" error on Instagram means that the user has changed their username, is blocking you, has deleted their account, their account is suspended, or their account is disabled.

If the user is blocking you, the error "User not found" appears when you try to visit their profile.

And when the person has changed their username, deleted their account, or their account is suspended/deactivated, then their profile no longer exists on Instagram.

Here are the 5 main causes of this error.

1. His/her username has changed

The first cause for Instagram to report "User not found" is that the user has changed their username.

When someone changes their username on Instagram, you don't can no longer find it using its former name.

Browsing a user's profile using their old username displays the error "User not found".

Because his old username no longer exists.

So you need to use their new username (if you know it) if you want to find that person on Instagram.

With his old username, you will not find him anymore.

So ask him about his new username and search for it on Instagram.

Normally you will no longer have this error.


2. You are blocked by this user


Second possible cause: this "User not found" error is probably related to the fact that the user has blocked you.

This is usually the most likely reason for this error!

The most likely cause of the "user not found" error on Instagram is that the person has blocked you!

If someone blocks you on Instagram, you will see the error "User not found" when you click on their profile to view it.

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you can no longer search for and find them on Instagram.

This means that if you search for his username in the Instagram search, his profile does not appear in the list of accounts.

However, there is an exception: if you have exchanged DMs (Direct Message) with this user, your private exchanges are always visible in the messaging system.

When clicking on the user profile from the private messaging system, you receive the error "User not found".

Now you are sure that you are blocked by this user.

Another exception is if the user is present in your recent searches ("Recent"), then clicking on their profile will give you the error message and confirmation that you are blocked.

Finally, there is a good chance that the user will block you if you see the error "User not found" when you visit their profile.


3. His/her account is deleted

Third possible cause: his Instagram account is deleted by the user.

When someone deletes their account, their profile disappears completely along with all their posts.

When you visit the profile of a user who has deleted their account, you will see the error "User not found".

This means that this username no longer exists on Instagram.

So if you visit their profile, you will see the error "User not found" if they have deleted their account.

However, if you have previously exchanged direct messages (DMs) or made a recent search on that user, you can always click on their profile.

And then you will get the error "User not found" when you try to visit their Instagram profile.


4. His account is suspended/deactivated by Instagram


Fourth possible cause: the Instagram account is suspended or deactivated.

This means that the user's account is permanently banned by Instagram.

When an Instagram account is disabled/suspended by Instagram, the profile no longer exists and you will see the error "User not found".

The main reason why an account is deactivated by Instagram in 2022 is that the user has not complied with Instagram's community rules and terms of use.

The account can be deactivated without warning by Instagram directly!

And Instagram doesn't warn you before banning you.

Reasons for banning from Instagram:

  • Publication of inappropriate content (photos, texts, videos, etc.)
  • Reporting by multiple users
  • Violation of community rules
  • Detection by Instagram bots (AI)

In the case of an account suspended/deactivated by Instagram, you will therefore see the error "User not found".


5. His/her account is temporarily deactivated by the user


The fifth possible reason for the "user not found" error is that the person has temporarily deactivated their Instagram account.

Deactivating your own account is temporary, whereas deleting your account is permanent!

If someone temporarily deactivates their account, their account will be invisible on Instagram until they reactivate it. And the error "User not found" appears.

When someone temporarily deactivates their Instagram account, all their posts (photos) become invisible.

This means that the profile is invisible until the user reactivates it.

So if you try to visit a temporarily disabled Instagram account, you'll see "User not found".

How do I know if I'm blocked by a user on Instagram in 2022?

If you are blocked on Instagram, you will not be able to search the person's profile.

However, you can try to visit her profile from direct messages (DMs) if you have exchanged them before.

Click on the profile in the direct message (DM) and if you see "User not found", you are blocked!

The same principle applies if the user is present in your recent searches ("Recent"). Click on their profile. If the error "User not found" appears, you are blocked!

Why I can't find a user on Instagram in 2022

You can't find an Instagram user because they may block you.

To confirm this assumption, use another Instagram account or ask a friend to check if they have access to that user.

If you don't see the Instagram profile and your friend does, it means that your account is blocked.

Why I can't find someone on Instagram when I'm not blocked

If you are not blocked on Instagram by a user profile, then there are 4 possible causes why you cannot access the profile.

The user has changed their username, deleted their account, temporarily deactivated their account or their account is permanently suspended/deactivated by Instagram.

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Activate invisible mode :

On phone: Profile > Settings > Privacy > Online Status > Disable "Show online status".

On computer: Profile > Settings > Security & Privacy > Online Status > Uncheck "Show online status

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Photo credit: Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

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