What is the meaning of the 9 friend emojis on Snapchat?

by | Snapchat

You are looking for the meaning of emojis on Snap in 2022?

Don't move, you're in the right place!

The emojis next to your friends help you understand your relationships and stay in touch.

These emojis are based on the way you interact with your Snapchatters.

They change regularly as your relationships with your friends change.

Snapchat emojis are animated by the Snapchat algorithm which analyses your exchanges.

I'll explain the meaning of each of the Snapchat friend emoticons.

This is the detailed list of the 9 friend emojis on Snapchat in 2022:

Article updated in January 2022

What do the 9 Friends emojis on Snapchat mean in 2022?

Here are the meanings of the 9 friend emojis on Snapchat in 2022:


Meaning of πŸ’• Super BFF

πŸ’• Super BFF means that your friend is your Best Friend and vice versa (you are also his Best Friend), and for 2 months in a row.


Meaning of ❀️ BFF

❀️ BFF means that the friend in question has been your Best Friend and vice versa for "only" 2 weeks in a row.


Meaning of πŸ’› Besties

πŸ’› Besties means that this friend is your Best Friend and vice versa (you are his).

He is the person you send the most Snaps to, and vice versa (he sends you the most Snaps).


Meaning of 😊 BFs

😊 BFs means that this Snapchatter is one of your best friends but it is not the Best Friend!

You send him a lot of Snaps. A few more, and he can turn into your Best Friend!


Meaning of 😬 Common needs

😬 Common needs means that your Best Friend is also the Best Friend of that Snapchatter.

You will probably have common interests!


Meaning of 😎 Common BFs

😎 Common BFs means that one of your best friends is also one of that Snapchatter's best friends.


Meaning of πŸ”₯ Snapstreak

πŸ”₯ Snapstreak means that you are in "Snapstreak" mode.

This emoji means that you exchange a lot with this friend!

This emoji is supplemented by the number of consecutive days you have exchanged Snaps with this Snapchatter.

After 24 hours without Snaps with this friend, you can lose the πŸ”₯ Snapstreak emoji and see the flames disappear!Β 


Meaning of βŒ›οΈ Snapstreak about to end

βŒ›οΈ Snapstreak about to end means that the πŸ”₯ Snapstreak mode will end soon with this friend.

This means that you have not exchanged with this Snapchatter recently and that the πŸ”₯ Snapstreak mode will disappear within 24 hours.

If you want to keep the πŸ”₯ Snapstreak mode with this Snapchatter, you need to send it a Snap.

Otherwise the flames will disappear next to his name!


Meaning of πŸŽ‚ Birthday

πŸŽ‚ Birthday means that it is your friend's birthday.

The emoji πŸŽ‚ Birthday appears next to the name of the friend whose birthday it is today.

So wish him a happy birthday by sending him a snap!

Note that it is the birthday entered by the Snapchatter during registration that counts.

If the date of birth was incorrectly entered When registering for Snapchat, it is possible that you will make a mistake when wishing them their birthday.

Please check before wishing him a happy birthday!



Now you know the meaning of Snap emojis in 2022.

There are no more excuses to understand and analyse your relationships with your friends on Snapchat.

With this detailed list of 9 Snapchat emojis and their meanings, you'll know exactly what your relationship with your friends is like on Snap.

Contact us if you have found an error or shortcoming in this guide.

And you may be interested in our other guides on Snapchat :


Other questions asked

Here are some questions asked about Snap emojis in 2022:

Where to find Snap emoji?

Snap emoji can be found in your application Snapchat > "My Profile" > Settings then :

  • On iPhone/iOS ...Additional options > Manage > Friends Emojis
  • On Android ...Customize emojis

You can now customize your Snap emojis!


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