All About Instagram Vocabulary!

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You want to know everything about Instagram vocabulary?

Definitions about Insta?

The meaning of terms used on Instagram in 2022?

Here are more than 16 answers to all the questions you may have.

As a reminder, Instagram is a social network based on content sharing (photos, videos, stories...) created in 2010 and bought by Meta (Facebook) in 2012.

Instagram has 1.478 billion monthly active users in 2022 according to the Digital Report 2022 by We Are Social and Hootsuite.

It is the 4th largest social network in the world behind Facebook, Youtube and WhatsApp.

Discover now all our definitions regarding Instagram.

 Article updated in April 2022


What does "restrict" mean on Instagram?

"Restricting" on Instagram means that you can prevent users from following you.

Instagram has integrated a new feature called "Restrict".

This is a new option in your account settings that allows you to prevent specific users from following you, liking or commenting on your posts and sending you messages.

This option was created for people who want to avoid online harassment and block stalkers.

There are many reasons why someone would want to restrict other people on Instagram. It could be because they are being targeted by trolls or because they are trying to avoid someone they know in real life!


What does "DM" mean on Instagram?

DM" is the abbreviation of "DM". Direct Message in English.

This means in French " direct message "or "private message".

It is a private message that can only be seen by the person receiving it and the sender.

This Instagram feature allows users to share in private and messages directly to each other (like an SMS but online).


What does "subscribe back" mean on Instagram?

"Subscribing back" on Instagram means that you follow a user and they follow you back (and vice versa).

The English term is "follow back".

It is a way of showing appreciation for the person who followed you.

It is also a proven technique for increasing your Instagram followers.

When you follow someone, it is important to make sure that your account is not private or set to private so that they can subscribe back and see your posts!


What does 'Mute' mean on Instagram?

"Mute" on Instagram is a feature that allows you to filter specific accounts from your Instagram feed.

This is useful if you follow many accounts and want to focus on the ones you really like.

Instagram users use this feature to avoid seeing certain posts or accounts they don't like but want to remain subscribed to.

"Mute" is a handy way to stop seeing accounts in your Instagram feed that you are not interested in.


What does "Delivered" mean on Instagram?

"Delivered" on Instagram means that your post has been well sent to your recipient. You see a blue tick next to your message.

This does not mean that your message has been read.

It is only when there is 2 blue ticks next to your message has been well read by your recipient.

  • 1 blue tick = message sent on insta
  • 2 blue ticks = message sent and read on insta


What does "Promote" mean on Instagram?

"Promoting" on Instagram means that you advertise to distribute your content more widely.

This is also known as an Instagram "boost" or "sponsored post".

To promote content on Instagram, you need to pay Instagram (Facebook) to increase the visibility of your posts to a defined audience.

A company or individual can promote their products and services by using hashtags, creating content, following people, etc.

Social media platforms are an important part of marketing today.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications that provides an ideal platform to promote products and services.

Instagram has a powerful tool for delivering effective ads via the Facebook advertising platform.


What does 'TBT' (#TBT) mean on Instagram?

On Instagram "TBT" stands for ThrowBack Thursday in English. French translation : The "Thursday unpacking".

The hashtag #TBT is often used on Thursday (thursday)to post an old personal "folder" on Instagram: an old photo, video or content that doesn't show you off much 🙂

The hashtag #TBT is also used on other social networks such as Twitter or Facebook.

This allows you to add a little humour to your timeline!


What does the 'k' stand for on Instagram?

The 'k' on Instagram stands for "The term 'thousand' or 'kilo' is used to describe the amount of money that is spent.

For example, if you see an account with 10k followers on Instagram, then the account has 10,000 (ten thousand) followers.

Another example: 1k subscription means 1,000 (one thousand) subscriptions to the account.

500k subscribers = 500,000 (five hundred thousand) subscribers



What do the Views ranking on Instagram mean?

The ranking of Views on Instagram follows 3 criteria of the Instagram algorithm: the interest of the post, the relationship with the account, and the date of the Instagram post.

By combining these 3 criteria (and many others), Instagram offers you the most "relevant" content according to it and its algorithm.

That's why the order of the views may seem random and governed by Instagram.

The number of views is the number of people who have seen the publication.

The higher the number of views, the more popular a publication is.

This ranking is based on the number of people who have seen and liked a given photo.


What does "Impressions" mean on Instagram?

"Impressions" on Instagram means the number of times your post (photo, video, story...) has been seen by people since it was published.

This is the number of times your content has been 'printed' on a screen.

Note that 1 person may have seen the same content several times.

So the number of people who have seen your insta post is always less than the number of Impressions.

"Impressions" is different from the Cover which calculates the number of accounts unique having seen the publication

And also different from the notion of Interactions or Engagement which means the number of interactions on the post.


What does "Archive" mean on Instagram?

"Archive" on Instagram is a feature that allows you to move any of your content into a private space visible only to you "Archives".

How do I archive on Instagram? Press "..." on your post > Then "Archive".

Only you can then access your archived publications: in Profile > Archives

You can change your mind ("unarchive") at any time by selecting the publication > "Show on profile".


What does the order of Likes on Instagram mean?

The order of likes on Instagram is a way to track the popularity of a publication.

The more likes a publication has, the higher its ranking in the feed.

Likes are an easy way to show your appreciation for something you like.

When you scroll through your Instagram feed, you will notice that posts with more likes are listed first and posts with fewer likes are listed last.

This order is determined by the number of people who liked that specific publication.


What does "Cover" mean on Instagram?

"Cover" on Instagram means the number of unique accounts who have seen your publication (photo, video, story...) since it was published.

Note that if 1 person looks at the same publication several times, it only counts as 1 in "Coverage".

So the number of people (Coverage) who have seen your insta post is always less than the number of Impressions.


What does "mood" mean on Instagram?

Mood The word "mood" on Instagram means "mood" or "atmosphere" in French.

Mood is a term used for describe his or her general feeling by a publication (photo, video, story...).

It can be something happy, sad, excited...

Moods (mood) are indicated by hashtags such as 1TP4Joyeux or #tristes on different social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat...)


What does "Subscription" mean on Instagram?

"Subscription" on Instagram means accounts that you (or someone else) are subscribed to.

For example, if you follow Pauline Tantôt's Instagram account, then Pauline Tantôt's account appears in your "Subscriptions".

Or if person A follows Mathilde Tantot's Instagram account, then Mathilde Tantot's Instagram account appears in person A's "Subscriptions".

See also My Top 17 most beautiful women in thongs on Instagram (with Pauline and Mathilde Tantôt) ! 😉

A Subscription is different from a "Subscriber":


What does 'subscriber' mean on Instagram?

"Subscriber" on Instagram means accounts that are subscribed to your (or another person's) Instagram profile.

If someone Y follows your account, then Y's Instagram profile appears in your "Followers".

For example, if you follow Pauline Tantôt's account, then your account appears in the "Subscribers" section of Pauline Tantôt's account.

Or if person A follows Mathilde Tantôt's account, then person A's Instagram account appears in person A's "Followers".

Discover My Top 69 "good chicks" to follow on Instagram (ranked by number of followers)


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Do not hesitate to contact us contact if you have any comments or questions on the subject.

Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash


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