How do you unsubscribe from Instagram users who do not follow you?

by | Instagram

You want to unsubscribe Instagram users who do not follow you back ?

It is frustrating whenever someone stops following you, because it negatively affects your subscriber/subscription ratio.

Also, some people follow you and unsubscribe immediately after you follow them back.

This is called the subscription/unsubscription strategy (follow/unfollow in English).

In fact, this strategy consists of following a number of people and deleting them as soon as they follow you back.

To get rid of people who use this strategy, you need to constantly check who is or is not following you.

Read on to find out how to check these unsubscriptions and unsubscribe yourself!


How do you unsubscribe from Instagram users who do not follow you back?

So how do you remove Instagram users who don't follow you back?

To unsubscribe from users on Instagram who do not follow you back, you can either use a third-party application or unsubscribe manually of these users (based on their subscriber list/subscriptions).

A third-party application is the best solution as it is easier than manually finding and removing users who do not follow you.

Having said that, here is how you can use these two methods in 2022:


1. Use a third-party application

Using a third-party application is the best way to find users who have recently removed you from their subscriptions or who do not follow you.

There are many third-party applications including use is generally safe on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Here is a list of applications that allow you to find users who do not follow you or who do not follow you back.


1.1 UnFollowers for Instagram + (iPhone)


Download UnFollowers for Instagram + - App Store

This application claims to be the fastest and most accurate analysis tool for Instagram.

It allows you to track subscribers gained and lost, who you follow but don't follow you back, who has deleted comments on your posts, and more.

It has a 4.2 star rating on the App Store with over 22,000 reviews.


1.2 Followers Track for Instagram (iPhone)


Download Followers for Instagram! - App Store

A quick and accurate analysis of followers for Instagram.

You can check who has unsubscribed from you, who is not following you back, who has recently followed you, and more.

This application has a score of 4.2 stars with more than 10,600 comments.


1.3 Followers and Unfollowers (Android)


Download Followers & Unfollowers - Google Play

Check the stats on your Instagram profile.

Its main features are checking people who do not follow you back, mutual followers and people who follow you but whom you do not follow back on Instagram.

It has a score of 4.2 stars on Google Play Store with more than 311,000 notices.


How to use these third-party applications?

These third-party applications are quite easy to use.

If you're looking to unfollow Instagram users who don't follow you back, simply navigate to the tab on the app that says "don't follow back/don't follow me".

Do not cancel user tracking directly from these third-party applications or you will be blocked!

Third-party apps allow you to unfollow users at a rate that is far too fast.

Thus, Instagram's algorithm will think that you are a robot and will block you.

Instead, search for the username(s) of these people on the Instagram application and unsubscribe manually from there.

Please make sure to unsubscribe people by 5 to 10 minute intervals to avoid getting stuck through action.

Generally, this feature is completely free in most Instagram analytics apps.

Paid features are usually ghost followers or bots (users who don't like or comment on any of your posts), blockers, the most engaged followers...


Can third-party applications be used safely?

In general, third-party applications on the App Store/Google Play Store can be used in safety.

These applications are manually reviewed before being published on the application shops, so your data is stored safely.

However, if you want to be very careful, you can revoke access to these third-party applications after using them.

Here's how to do it:

Go to your Instagram profile > menu > apps & websites > delete.

In addition (for an extra level of security), you can change your password Instagram, which will immediately log you out of any third-party applications or websites.


2. Find and manually delete users who do not follow you back.


The second, but more intensive, way to unsubscribe from Instagram users who do not follow you back is to search manually.

This is how it works in 3 steps:

Let's say you follow @user on Instagram and you want to know if it is also following you.

  1. Just browse through your followers list and search for your username.
  2. If your profile appears on the search result in their followers list, then they are following you too. There is no need to cancel it.
  3. However, if you search for your username but it does not appear in their followers list, they are not following you. If this is the case, you can unsubscribe from their account.

It is a longer method to find people who don't follow you, so I don't recommend using it.

Instead, use a third-party application to track users who are not following you.

It is very easier to find and unsubscribe users in this way.


How do you get rid of mass subscribers on Instagram?

This is another question that may arise whenever you unsubscribe from people.

Who can be unsubscribed en masse on Instagram?

The short answer is that you can use the Last Interaction With "To unsubscribe en masse from users on Instagram without being blocked.

Over the years, Instagram's algorithm has become more and more advanced.

In the past, you could get away with unsubscribing from hundreds of users without getting blocked.

However, if you try to untrack a user group using a third-party application or even manually, you will be blocked.

And the blocking of action can last hours, 24 hours or even days - which is very inconvenient.

Instagram has recently introduced the feature " Last Interaction With "for some people.

You can use this feature to unsubscribe until 200 users per day without being blocked.


What if Instagram blocks you from unsubscribing?

Another common problem that may occur when unsubscribing people is that you will be blocked from taking action on Instagram.

Here's the thing, Instagram tries eliminate bots, automation and spam on their platform.

Therefore, if you unsubscribe from too many users at once, Instagram may think that you are a robot (bot) and prevent you from unsubscribing.

You are blocked from unsubscribing to new accounts.

In addition, your list of subscribers (followers) may also be deactivated (if you have removed users from this list).

If your action is blocked, you will have to wait several hours, 24 hours or more for it to be lifted - there is no other option.



If you want to unsubscribe from users who don't follow you back on Instagram, there are 2 ways to do it.

Use a third-party application or manually find users who do not follow you back.

I highly recommend using a third-party application, as you can not only see the users who don't follow you back, but also easily unsubscribe...


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