How to see the statistics on Instagram?

by | Instagram

You are looking for how to view your Instagram account statistics in 2022?

Insta stats for a post? A story? The stats of your photos and videos?

Measuring the performance of your Instagram account?

Don't move, you are in the right place.

Important you must have a Professional account (free) to access your insta-statistics.

The Personal Instagram account does not give you access to the statistics tool.

We will detail together 3 methods simple and free way to access your statistics on Instagram.

And you will also understand the meaning and definitions  of all statistics provided by Instagram in 2022.

In this guide we will detail :

Article updated in January 2022


How to see the statistics on Instagram in 2022?

For see the statistics on InstagramYou have two options:

  • get an overview of Instagram statistics (2 methods)
  • see Publication Statistics (for a specific publication)

We will detail these 3 possibilities to access Instagram statistics easily:


1. Get an overview of Instagram statistics (method 1)

how to see the statistics-instagram-01-Menu-Statistics

Open Instagram > Click on Menu > Statistics

To get an overview of your Instagram account statistics, open your Instagram application.

Then go to the Menu ( 3 horizontal bars at the top right) and click on Statistics.

This will take you to an overview of your Instagram account statistics


2. Get an overview of Instagram statistics (method 2)


Open Instagram > Click on 'Statistics' on your Profile

To get an overview of your Instagram account statistics, open your Instagram application.

Then on the home screen, click directly on "Statistics" under your Instagram bio.

You will then have access to the same Overview of your Instagram account statistics.


3. See Publication Statistics (for a specific publication)


Go to the targeted Instagram post > Click on "View stats" below the photo

To see the statistics for a particular Instagram post, go to the post you want to analyse.

Open the publication and click on "View statistics". under the Instagram photo and before the text.

You will be taken to the "Post Statistics" screen which details all the statistics for that particular Instagram post.

See below the Screen section "Publication statistics".  to understand the statistics offered by Instagram.


What do the Instagram statistics mean in 2022?

We'll look at what the Instagram stats mean depending on where you are in your Instagram app:

1. Statistics overview screen (overall Instagram account statistics)

2. Publication statistics" screen (statistics for an insta publication)

Here are the details of the stats for each screen:


1. Statistics overview screen (overall Instagram account statistics)



When you click on "Statistics" (see the 2 methods above), you will be taken to the "Statistics Overview" screen which details all the overall statistics for your Instagram account.

This is the significance of the statistics offered by Instagram.

Upstream, you can select period of your choice (top left of your screen)

  • Last 7 days (1 week)
  • Last 14 days (2 weeks)
  • Last 30 days (1 month)
  • Previous month (the month before)
  • Last 90 days (last 3 months)

Note that you cannot go further than the last 90 days.

So remember to come regularly analyse your Instagram statistics so that you don't lose data from the past.

Click on "Refresh" when you have selected the analysis period (e.g. last 30 days).

You now see the "Statistics overview" screen for the selected period (last 30 days).

This is the meaning of the different indicators provided by Instagram:


Statistics Overview" section

These statistics show the reach of your account, the accounts that have interacted, the total number of followers and the content you have shared.


1/ Accounts affected

This is the number of accounts unique who have seen one of your posts or stories at least once, including promoted posts, stories, videos, real life or live videos.

The best performing content is also based on the number of unique accounts that have seen your content.

This "Affected Accounts" section presents several indicators:

  •  l'Audience reached through various indicators such as the main cities of your audience, the main countries, the main age groups, the gender (male or female).
  • The distribution of the affected Accounts between Subscribers and non-subscribers.
  • Content coverage This allows you to understand which types of content are reaching your audience and which specific content is most viewed.
  • Impressions The number of times your posts, stories, reels, videos or live videos have been posted.
  • Profile activities These statistics are used to measure the number of actions taken during an interaction with your profile.
  • Profile visits the number of times your profile has been viewed
  • Clicking on the website address the number of clicks on the link to your website
  • Clicks on the professional e-mail address the number of clicks on your business address in your bio
  • Clicks on the Call button the number of clicks on your phone number or on the Call button
  • Clicking on the Send e-mail button the number of clicks on your Send Email button
  • Clicking on the Send Text button the number of clicks on your Send Text button


2/ Interacting accounts

This is the number of accounts that have interacted with your contentincluding promoted content (advertising).

Posts, stories, reels, videos and live videos are considered content.

Interactions can include actions such as likes, check-ins, comments, shares or replies.

The "Interacted Accounts" section includes the same indicators as the "Affected Accounts" section above (Audience, Coverage...)


3/ Total subscribers

This is the total number of your subscribers on Instagram over the chosen period

This "Subscribers" section contains the following indicators on your subscribers (your Audience):

  • Global Subscribers (+ graph)
  • Number of subscriptions
  • Number of subscription cancellations
  • Main locations of your subscribers (Cities, Countries)
  • Age range of your subscribers / by Gender
  • Gender of your subscribers (Men, Women)
  • Hours and days when your subscribers are most active (+ graph)

Section "Content you have shared

The number of active posts, stories, real, video, live video and promotions you have shared in the selected time period, including today.

  • Instagram Statistics Publications Instagram posts: allows you to access a list of all Instagram posts made in the selected time period as well as detailed metrics for each post (Coverage, Clicks, Subscriptions, Comments, Coverage, Records, Impressions, Interactions, Likes, Profile Views, Video Views)
  • Instagram Stories statistics Instagram Stories: allows you to access the list of all Instagram Stories made in the selected period as well as detailed indicators for each Story (Coverage, Clicks, Subscriptions, Exits, Coverage, Impressions, Follows, Profile visits...)


2. Publication statistics" screen (statistics for an insta publication)



When you open a publication on your application and click on "View Statistics" you will be taken to the "Publication Statistics" screen which details all the statistics related to that publication specific publication.

Let's see what each of these statistics means:


  • Accounts affected Coverage: the number of unique accounts that have seen this publication at least once. Coverage differs from impressions, which may include multiple views of your publication by the same accounts. This indicator is an estimate.
  • Interaction with content
  • Profile activity


  • Accounts affected (Subscribers and non-subscribers): the number of unique accounts that have seen this publication at least once. This is an estimate.
  • Impressions (From homepage, From hashtags, From profile): the number of times your post has been displayed on the screen.

Interaction with content

  • Like Mentions
  • Comments
  • Recordings
  • Shares

Profile activity

  • Profile visits
  • Subscribers
  • Clicks on the call to action button (e.g. Send an e-mail)



Seeing the stats on Instagram in 2022 is easy!

Just follow one of the 3 ways above to access your overall Insta stats (2 methods) or the stats for a specific post.

You can also better understand Instagram statistics with the definitions of the proposed indicators.

Remember to keep track of your statistics as they allow you to understand and act to improve your visibility on Instagram.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you notice a gap or error in this guide.

You may also be interested in our other Instagram guides:


Other questions asked

Here are some questions asked about Instagram statistics in 2022:

I don't have the Instagram stats

To get Instagram statistics, you need to have a business account and click on "Statistics" under your Instagram bio.

You can also access it by clicking on the Menu (3 bars) at the top right, then click on Statistics.

And read our detailed guide "How to see stats on Instagram in 2022?"


Is it free to access Instagram statistics in 2022?

Yes, access to Instagram statistics is totally free for a Professional account (free).

Just click on "Statistics": either on your profile under your bio, or in the Menu (three horizontal bars) at the top right of your profile.


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