How to see birthdays on Facebook?

by | Facebook

Discover how to see birthdays on Facebook in 2022.

A quick guide to finding your Facebook friends' birthdays.

In this guide you will learn how to search for your friends' or contacts' birthdays on Facebook.

On your Android phone or iPhone (iOS) or your PC (computer).

It's simple and free!

As a reminder, Facebook (renamed Meta in 2022) is the world's largest social network with over 3 billion users worldwide.

When you create your account, Facebook asks you for your date of birth to check your age and especially to know one of your many personal data! :-p

In theory, Facebook is forbidden to children under 13 years of age.

With the birthdates of all users, Facebook offers a Birthday feature.

This Anniversary functionality allows you to find out the birthdays of your Facebook friends and contacts.

If and only if your friends have enabled sharing of their date of birth in their Privacy Settings.

In this guide we will look at how to see birthdays on Facebook depending on the medium used:

  • On phone via the Facebook mobile application: iPhone (iOS) and Android (Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Honor, Oppo, Sony...)
  • On PC / computer via the official website Facebook

So you have 2 complementary ways to search for your contacts' birthdays on Facebook in 2022!

Let's look at the 4 steps detailed according to the medium used :

  1. How to see Facebook birthdays on your phone?
  2. How do I view Facebook birthdays on my PC?

 Article updated in January 2022


How to see Facebook birthdays on your phone?

To see the Facebook birthdays on phonefollow these 4 steps :

  1. Open your Facebook mobile application
  2. Click on the magnifying glass (top right)
  3. Search for "birthdays".
  4. View the list of your Friends' birthdays

Prerequisite: you must have theFacebook mobile application installed on your phone and have a Facebook account connected to your phone.

This method works for all phones and all brands:

  • iPhone : iOS
  • Android: Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Honor, Oppo, Sony

Here you are in the Birthdays section allowing you to see all the birthdays of your Facebook Friends if they share their date of birth.

These are the 4 detailed steps (with pictures) to see the Facebook birthdays on phone :


1: Open your Facebook mobile application



Open your Facebook mobile application

First step, take your phone (Android or iPhone).

Open the Facebook mobile application (a white f on a blue background).

The Facebook homepage appears with your news feed.

Now go to step 2.


2: Click on the magnifying glass (top right)



Click on the magnifying glass (top right)

Step 2 is to use Facebook Search to find birthdays.

To do this, use the Search function in clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon at the top right of your screen.

You will use it in the next step (3).


3: Search for "birthdays".



Type 'birthdays' in the top search bar

Third step, in the open search bar (Search), type on your keyboard :


You will see the Anniversaries function in the list of suggestions.

Select Birthdays (white icon on green background).

A new Anniversaries screen appears.

Move on to the fourth and final step:


4: View the list of your Friends' birthdays



View the list of your Friends' birthdays

This takes you to step 4 and the Birthdays screen.

You have succeeded!

Here you can see the birthdays of your Facebook friends and contacts classified in 3 categories:

  • Birthdays Today

These are the Facebook birthdays of the same day.

Hurry up and wish them a happy birthday before it's too late! 🙂

  • Recent anniversaries

These are the birthdays of your Facebook Friends from the last few days (yesterday, 2 days ago, 3 days ago...). In short, these are the birthdays you may have missed!

Catch up quickly by going to wish them their birthday "a few days late"... "we'll save the best for last!

  • Upcoming birthdays

These are the birthdays of your Facebook contacts that will be coming up in the next few days: tomorrow, later this month, next month...etc

Anticipate and write them down in your best diary so that you can think about them on the day!


You can now see all the birthdays of the day and those to come directly on your phone iPhone or Android.

Are you a PC user (desktop or laptop)?

No problem, here is our detailed guide to viewing Facebook birthdays on your computer:


How do I view Facebook birthdays on my PC?

To see the Facebook birthdays on computer / PCfollow these 4 steps :

  1. Open your web browser and log into your Facebook account
  2. Click on Events (left column)
  3. Click on Anniversaries (left column)
  4. View the list of your Friends' birthdays

Prerequisite: you must have a Facebook account.

These are the 4 detailed steps (with screenshots) to see the Facebook birthdays on PC / computer :


1: Open your web browser and log into your Facebook account



Open your web browser > Go to > Log in

First step, open your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge...).

Go to Facebook by typing the url : 

Enter your email address or phone number as your login and password?

Click on Log in to log in to your Facebook account.

Remember that you must have a Facebook account to access your friends' birthdays on Facebook.

The home page of your Facebook account appears with your news feed (feed).

Now go to step 2.


2: Click on Events (left column)



Click on Events (left column)

Step 2: When you are logged into your Facebook account, you will see your news feed in the centre of your screen.

In the left-hand column, you will see different headings: Friends, Events, Groups, Marketplace, Watch...

Each section corresponds to different Facebook features.

Click on the Events section to access Facebook Events, including your friends' birthdays.

Go to step 3:


3: Click on Anniversaries (left column)



Click on Anniversaries (left column)

Step 3: you are in the Events section of Facebook, which gathers the best events of the moment, the closest ones, those of the week, your Friends...

Let's take a look at the Anniversaries menu on the left side of your computer screen.

Click on Birthdays to open the window with the list of all your friends' birthdays.

Then move on to the fourth and final step.


4: View the list of your Friends' birthdays


View the list of your Friends' birthdays in the centre of your PC screen

Step 4: Bravo, you've done it!

In the centre of your screen, you see the list of Anniversaries of the day, Recent birthdays and Upcoming birthdays (like on your phone).

Now you know how to easily see birthdays on Facebook using your PC.



You now know 2 ways to see birthdays on Facebook in 2022 :

  • on phone (Android or iPhone)
  • on PC / computer

This will be very useful if you like to wish your friends and contacts birthdays on Facebook.

In addition, you can see recent, current and upcoming birthdays.

Very handy if you want to anticipate and plan your birthday wishes 🙂


You may be interested in our other Facebook guides :


Do not hesitate to contact us contact if you have any comments or questions on the subject.


Other questions asked

Here are some of the questions asked about the Birthdays Facebook in 2022 :


I don't see birthdays on Facebook anymore

To see the birthdays on Facebook again: go to Settings > Notifications > Birthdays. Check Yes to "Allow Facebook notifications".

Select how you wish to receive Birthday Notifications: by Push, E-mail, Text.

Choose Receive notifications for : Upcoming birthdays, Overdue birthdays


Why isn't my birthday showing up on Facebook?

To post your birthday on Facebook, you need to enter your date of birth and share it publicly: go to your Profile > About us > General information and contact details > Date of birth.

Check or enter your date of birth by clicking on the pencil.

Choose with whom you want to share your date of birth: Public, Friends, Only me...

Select Public or Friends if you want your date of birth to appear in your friends' birthdays!


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