How to watch TikTok videos without an account?

by | TikTok

You are looking for watch TikTok videos without an account in 2022?

Don't move, you're in the right place.

TikTok is a social video sharing network since 2016.

Note that the TikTok mobile application is free.

For an optimal use of TikTok, it is advised to create a TikTok account (free).

However, you may wish to view TikTok videos without necessarily creating an account.

It is possible in a simple way and we will see how in this 3 step detailed guide.

It is simple and free !

And you don't need to register with TikTok.

Article updated in February 2022.

How to watch TikTok videos without an account on PC?

To watch TikTok videos without an account in 2022 follow these steps 3 steps :

  1. Open your web browser and go to the url
  2. Search for the targeted TikTok account in the search bar
  3. View videos of the TikTok profile you are looking for

The easiest way to watch TikTok videos without an account is touse your PC (computer) or Mac.

You can also use your mobile phone (Android or iPhone / iOS).

But the easiest way is to use a computer.

Here are the 3 detailed steps with screenshots to watch TikTok videos without an account:


1. Open your web browser and go to 



Open your web browser and type in on the first line

Step 1: Take your computer or Mac and open your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge Firefox...).

In the address bar of your web browser type the following url:

You will be taken to the TikTok homepage.

Unlike other social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, TikTok is an open social network.

Anyone can access TikTok public profiles without having an account.

Now go to step 2.


2. Search for the targeted TikTok account in the search bar



Type the TikTok profile you are looking for in the search bar

Step 2 You are on the TikTok homepage and you see a news feed and micro videos.

It is the TikTok algorithm that offers you these suggested videos.

TikTok usually offers viral and popular videos.

If you are looking for a particular profile type in the last name, first name or user name (if known) of the person in the 'Search Accounts' bar at the top of your screen.

For example, if you are looking to see Ed Sheeran's videos without having a TikTok account you type in the search bar "Ed Sheeran".

Normally the account you are looking for appears in the list.

Click on the account (e.g. Ed Sheeran).

This takes you to the TikTok profile of the person you are looking for, in this case Ed Sheeran.

Go to the next step:


3. View the videos of the TikTok profile you are looking for



View TikTok videos of the profile you are looking for

Step 3 You now have access to all the videos of the profile you are looking for.

Just scroll down and click on the video that you want to watch in large format.

Now you've done it!

You can now watch any video from anyone on TikTok without having a TikTok account.



You know how to access and view TikTok videos without a TikTok account in 2022.

This is very useful to watch TikTok videos without necessarily having an account!

You may be interested in our other TikTok guides:


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